74: Reprieve

Warms some poor name that never felt the sun

Leonora Carrington – The Fool (Tarot Card) – ca.1955 via @rabihalameddine

Hi fam, I had a good week and we’re up to 63 degrees here in Boston today so I decided to give myself the day off. No thinky stuff up top but I wanted to send you something just so nobody freaks out and sends out a search party or anything. So here are some links and other bitlets. I will say briefly that, regardless of any specifics of the bill or your feelings about either party’s lawmakers and their actions, the sheer size and scope and overwhelming popularity of the stimulus seems to be an encouraging sign that, at least mid-pandemic if not post, we may have found a greater appreciation for the need to take care of each other and the limits of America’s go-it-alone mythology. Maybe! Regardless, a lot of people are going to get some of the help they need and that is a good thing let’s allow ourselves to be happy about it for a sec.



Still on You’re the Worst. This is purportedly a show about awful people but really it is a show about empathy. I love it.

And here is a poem I like by Emily Dickinson:

Glory is that bright tragic thing


Glory is that bright tragic thing
That for an instant
Means Dominion—
Warms some poor name
That never felt the Sun,
Gently replacing
In oblivion—


Slothrust Boston represent.

That’s all do something nice for yourself, be safe, let yourself feel good about something. See you next week.
